Digital Prints

Map Series

I have been blessed to have travelled the world and seen many beautiful places and to have been inspired along the way.  My daily ritual of diving into the mild waters of the Tasman Sea reminds me that the world is a rolling slideshow of light and colour. Much of my inspiration comes from marine life and imagery, and the beautiful shapes already created by nature. I love vivid colours but also like to explore the hidden shades of black and white. I created a series of map illustrations of the places I enjoy visiting with my friends and family and then transformed into a variety of products that were easy to send as a gift to share with friends and family.

Sydney Map - Ally Bryan - Northern Beaches Artists

Sydney Map

Northern Beaches Map - Ally Bryan - Northern Beaches Artists

Northern Beaches Map

Australia Map - Ally Bryan - Northern Beaches Artists

Australia Map

On the wall

2020 Series

My more recent works have led me back to basics, using paint brush, acrylics and inks to design exciting artworks for surface pattern and illustration. I love designing unique collections; these final artworks are a combination of traditional mixed media techniques and digital media which have been translated onto a series of artworks.

Urban Jungle Print by Ally Bryan Sydney Artist

Urban Jungle

Reef Life Print by Ally Bryan Sydney Artist

On the Reef

Birds of Feather by Ally Bryan Sydney Artist

Birds of a Feather

Outback Print by Ally Bryan Sydney Artist


Bushlife Print by Ally Bryan Sydney Artist


Below is a selection of designs ready for you to take home - please contact me if you are interested in any prints or would like to discuss carrying them in store.


Driftwood Art