
The rock-pool collection captures the ebb and flow of our ocean as it flows across the rocky platforms that surround our majestic headlands. The ever-changing tides reveal little ecosystems of colour, texture, an oasis of life quietly contained within the ocean pools. Running streams create random patterns on the surface, quiet and calm, fed by the energy from the breaking waves around. 

A perfect parallel to our lives, each day often a balance of emotional, highs and lows, finding pleasure in small things and a balance in ourselves through the rhythm of the ocean and the sand beneath our feet. 

The sense of excitement mixed with pleasure when painting these works is how I express myself. To be able to capture these beautiful memories and share them with others is what I love.

“playing with colour and mark making with pigments and other mediums are an exciting part of the exploration of my creative journey making art I love”

The ever-changing tides reveal little ecosystems of colour, texture, an oasis of life quietly contained within the ocean pools. Running streams create random patterns on the surface, quiet and calm, fed by the energy from the breaking waves around.

Rockpool Artworks

“Sea mist”- early mornings on the rocks 🔴

Experimenting with pigment and bitumen on board
63cm x 63cm floating oak frame

“Waters Edge”- bright spots of colour after the sea recedes 🔴

Mixed media, experimenting with pigment asphalt and bitumen on board
63cm x 93cm floating oak frame

Distant Headlands - looking out across the bay 🔴

Experimenting with pigment and bitumen on board
63cm x 63cm floating oak frame

“Hidden Treasures” - walking on the rock platforms 🔴

Experimenting with pigment and bitumen on canvas
63cm x 63cm floating oak frame

“Remembered Days” - Early mornings looking North

Experimenting with pigment and bitumen on canvas
63cm x 63cm floating oak frame

“Walking in the rock Pools” - watching the changing tide

Experimenting with pigment and bitumen on canvas
63cm x 93cm floating oak frame - $950 framed